Tomb of the Cybermen [4.2]

The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria stumble upon a group of future archaeologists who are in the process of breaking into the Tomb of the Cybermen. This vast underground facility turns out to house Cyberman who are not dead but merely dormant. Indeed, the whole tomb is an elaborate trap to ensnare people of intelligence, who can provide the Cybermen with all that they need to return to full strength and power.

For some reason the Doctor seems to know what's going on, and yet at the same time helps the archaeologists to break in. As different factions in the group jostle for power, the Doctor bustles about, getting in the way in his usual style. In the end, he resets the whole trap and heads off.

The Majesty
Tomb of the Cybermen is the first Patrick Troughton story which exists in its entirety, and therefore it has a special place in Who history. It's got a great premise and some classic moments. The idea of archaeologists investigating Cybermen is a new one, developing the in-universe mythology quite nicely.

I really like the Cybermats as a concept: strange robent-like cyborgs that can scuttle around on the floor and then leap up to bite you on the neck. They are actually quite scary. I read up on them online and discovered according to the novels the Cybermen originally constructed them out of human babies. There's something wonderfully grotesque about the whole thing.

I also appreciate that in the middle of all the suspense there is time for a more emotional character moment between the Doctor and Victoria. It is good that we acknowledge that her father has just died and that - all things being equal - she should be grieving at this time.

The Misery
I do find the Doctor's motivation in this story particularly complex. He seems to know what to expect, but helps the archaeologists break in anyway. It's never quite explained what he is doing or why, and this does let down the story for me a little. And it's all a bit of an anti-climax when the Cybermen decide to get back into their pods to recharge, leaving everyone free to switch on the freezing machine again.

Magical Moments
  • Victoria's first words when she gets into the TARDIS: “I can't believe it. It's so big. What are all these knobs?” There's something of the double entendre going on there, surely!
  • The Doctor tells Victoria her dress is not too short by comparing it to Jamie's one. Jamie, standing by in his trademark kilt, is none too pleased.
  • Victoria picks up a dormant Cybermat and puts it in her handbag. Maybe she thinks it's cute? After all, she was used to feeding the pigeons, and they are far from cute.
  • Later on, when said Cybermat wakes up, bites through her bag, leaps out and attacks someone, Victoria grabs a laser handgun and shoots it dead with one shot. This remarkable feat is even stranger once you realise that (a) in her day they didn't have handguns much (b) they really didn't have laser guns (c) even if they did, she wouldn't be likely to have practised with one (d) or even have a clue what to do with it and (e) none of the other macho crew members can hit them for peanuts.
  • The Cybermen emerging from their tombs is one of the classic moments in all Dr Who history.
  • The Doctor wears a marvellous Dracula-style cape. Not sure where he got it from, but it suits him!
  • “With this, I am invulnerable!” gloats Klieg. “I shall be Master.” This is because he has got a little gun. But surely he doesn't imagine it's the only gun on the planet? Don't the Cybermen all have guns?
  • On the other hand, Klieg is from the Brotherhood of Logicians, which is a brilliant name and I wish we had had the opportunity to meet them!
  • “Their tiny metal minds couldn't handle it,” chuckles the Doctor. “You might say they had a complete metal breakdown.” Jamie's groan is the perfect reaction.
  • “The King of the Beasts couldn't break out of that one!” Jamie's confidence lasts for two seconds before the Cyberleader bursts out in a shower of flying polystyrene.

In Summary
This is a good solid story with a novel premise, and a good mix of action and mystery. Victoria brings out a human side in the Doctor that we haven't seen much of previously, though she herself as a character is a little flat. The Cybermen are a wonderful threat, but actually after they get out their tombs they don't do very much and then get back into them again. Even so, they play a completely different role to their last two outings, so that's something!

Overall: 4.2
